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Mission Possible Bulembu Soap News

As you may be aware, a large portion of the soap that our fabulous soap recycling team cleans each week goes to a village in Africa. This village, Bulembu, is home to orphans who have been displaced in the country of Swaziland and Bulembu Ministries cares for and raises up these children.

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We have contributed soap quite a few times now, and it is a real blessing to their community. The most recent delivery got there in July. The soap Mission Possible is cleaning is making an impact for children in Africa!

From Bulembu Ministries Swaziland Dear Mission Possible:

On behalf of Bulembu Ministries Swazila nd and its precious children, I’d like to take this

opportunity to personally thank you for the wonderful donation of soap. These will be

put to good use and meets immediate needs. I’m sure you can only imagine how much

soap is used by over 300 children. It’s only by God’s Grace and people such as yourselves that we are able to continue with this beautiful project.

Bulembu is a small town in Swaziland with a heart and a vision: Raising today’s children to be tomorrow’s leaders, restoring a town for sustainable Kingdom transformation. Bulembu has an ambitious goal to support the ongoing care of hundreds of orphaned and vulnerable children. Currently we care for over three hundred children in the programme. We are working to build innovative, sustainable and profitable enterprises for the restoration of the town.

To get regular updates on what’s happening in Bulembu, sign up for our newsletter on

our website Thank you, once again, for your support of our efforts.

Kindest regards and blessings,

Vernon Puttkammer

Director of Community Care

For more information on Mission Possible’s soap recycling program, please visit:

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