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NCM Gift Catalogue Available

The 2014-15 NCM Canada gift catalogue is hot off the press! Copies of the catalogue have been mailed to Nazarene churches in Canada - just in time for those who like to do their Christmas "shopping" early! Don't forget that the gift items may also be purchased for birthdays, anniversaries and othe special occasions year round. This year's catalogue includes popular favourites such as goats, blankets, wells, school books, etc. Also included are opportunities to give towardd children's needs in child development centres in South Asia and Malawi (Africa). The catalogue also features our relationship and projects with Canadian Foodgrains Bank, where your giving can be matched. Youth groups, Sunday School classes, seniors gorups and others, including local NMI, have participated in giving through the catalgoue. Som have had fundraising events, others have collected loonies and toonies over several weeks, others have held 'auctions' of catalogue items....the possibilities are endless. You or your group may give in one of three ways....

1. You can mail your order form and payment to the National Office using the following address:

Church of the Nazarene Canada 20 Regan Road, Unit 9 Brampton, ON L7A 1C3 Please ensure that your cheque is made payable to “Church of the Nazarene Canada.”

2. You can call the National Office at 1–888–808–7490

3. You can submit your order online at

View the Gift Catalogue online at To help ensure that you will receive your gift cards in time for Christmas giving, your order must arrive at the National Office by December 1, 2014.

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