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PALCON - Engaging Our Leaders

PALCON's (Pastors and Leaders Conference) mission is simple "to encourage, challenge, and equip those who minister". This year saw over 120 leaders from across Canada gather at Ambrose for just this reason. Plenary peakers included Dr. Jerry Porter, Gordon T. Smith, Deirdre Brower Latz, Gary Nelson and Mark Buchanan.

This year's PALCON featured workshops and sessions for both english and spanish congregational leaders including a variety of topics relevant for today's ministry challenges. Workshops included Terry Young's "Pastoring In The Trenches: Cultivating The Gift of a Non-Anxious Presence",Joel Thiessen's "Passing the Faith: From Generation to Generation" and Doug Hardy's "Who is Leading the Spiritual Leader". Topics covered a wide variety of current themes including worship, youth ministry, and family ministries. While sessions kept everyone busy, a highlight is always seeing the conversations in between sessions and through mealtimes, as leaders connect with each other.

Dr. Riley Coulter says "The Ambrose PALCON was a wonderful time of learning and connecting, made possible because of the generous support of the Canadian Districts through the clergy travel-subsidy program. The speakers were challenging and inspiring, bringing insight into God's Word that provoked vision and understanding. It was an honour and privilege to host the PALCON on the Ambrose campus; we pray that God would use our time together to bring about the building of His kingdom through the Church of the Nazarene across Canada."

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